An Autistic Reaction to the Diagnostic Criteria for Autism – Problems With Medical Terminology



7 thoughts on “An Autistic Reaction to the Diagnostic Criteria for Autism – Problems With Medical Terminology

  1. Yes, more of this please. 😊 I totally agree with you that these manuals of ‘disorder’ and ‘disease’ unnecessarily pathologise variance, and stigmatise a lot of people. Glad you’re able to see all your wonderful neurodiversity in a positive light! (The same kind of thing goes for gender variance: even though being trans has just been moved out of the WHO manual’s mental health section, it’s still in their manual of ‘diseases’ (ICD-11), and the diagnostic descriptions don’t exactly make for pleasant reading.)

  2. Hi – I love your blog. I’m not autistic and don’t even know any autistic people except for a few relatives that I’m sure are on the spectrum (I have my own observations about Ashkenazi Jewish men), but anyway… your blog has opened my eyes in so many ways and I want to thank you for that.

    I ran across this video and wanted to share it with you:

    I think what I am learning from your blog is stated beautifully in this video. It’s all about being willing to meet people on their terms, isn’t it?

    With warmest regards, Nancy

    Sent from my iPhone


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