Autistic Person or Person With Autism? – an #ActuallyAutistic Perspective

Please note: IF the CC is not working on the VIMEO video please visit the Neurodivergent Rebel YouTube Page to view this video with CC. 

8 thoughts on “Autistic Person or Person With Autism? – an #ActuallyAutistic Perspective

  1. I go back and forth on this. Disabled person or person with disability? I appreciate your observation that “person with disability” implies that the person can be separated from the disability. Most of my life I’ve been just a person, the disability coming later in life. So I’ve been both. Maybe that’s what trips me up. Thanks for your insight.

  2. I LIKE being Autistic. I know some don’t as there are other issues associated with Autism, but for many, there are quite a few benefits which, if the world allowed us to be who we are, are quite often AWESOME!

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