A black, purple, and teal image, that has people being yelled at as accents, with text that reads "report abuse" and "Coercion, Manipulation, Control - NeuroDivergent Rebel"

Abusive Bosses Who Coerce and Control through Manipulations and “Unspoken Rules” – I Have Had a Few

I said “no” (I didn’t want to go to the party), but my boss told me that not going would “look bad” and make it seem like I wasn’t a team player.
Continue reading Abusive Bosses Who Coerce and Control through Manipulations and “Unspoken Rules” – I Have Had a Few

an image showing Autism as a color wheel a color wheel of vast and varied shades (sensory & motor, emotional & cognitive, communication & social, dependency on routine & aversion to surprises).

Autistic Disclosure Toolkit: A handy guide to help when coming out of The Autism Closet

Each Autistic Person has a very unique experience of being Autistic (and no two Autistics experience Autism in the same way, thanks to how Autism colors multiple parts of our life experience).
Continue reading Autistic Disclosure Toolkit: A handy guide to help when coming out of The Autism Closet

a person with long brown hair holds a red fidget spinner

Things I Didn’t Realize Were Related to Being NeuroDivergent (Autistic and ADHD or AuDHD) Before I Was Diagnosed “with Autism” and ADHD

You may relate to some things on my list if you are Autistic and ADHD. You may also not connect with my list (because we are all unique individuals).
Continue reading Things I Didn’t Realize Were Related to Being NeuroDivergent (Autistic and ADHD or AuDHD) Before I Was Diagnosed “with Autism” and ADHD

seven red flags

What IS Grooming?

Calling Trans and other Queer People “groomers” is insulting to actual survivors of real groomers and those who have escaped (or are still stuck in) relationships dependent on coercive control.

As someone who’s the survivor of more than one long-term relationship with people who used coercive and controlling methods to groom and keep me for their benefit (at the expense of my mental and physical health), I am disgusted by how casually the word “groomer” is thrown around today – especially with regards to trans people.

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