LGBTQIA+ & Autism Medicalization Timeline – A NeuroQueer Conversion Therapy History Lesson

Up until 1973, psychologists and psychiatrists will still consider homosexuality to be a form of illness. It will be 1987, the year I’m born, before homosexuality will be completely removed from the DSM. Continue reading LGBTQIA+ & Autism Medicalization Timeline – A NeuroQueer Conversion Therapy History Lesson

Pride Month – I’m Pansexual! – My NeuroDivergent Journey with Sexual Orientation

Human sexual orientation is a spectrum, like Autism NeuroDiverseity, sexuality is a spectrum. Just like gender and many of the other things we will be discussing here this month. I remember the first thing I was ever attracted to and I say thing because it was not a person. Continue reading Pride Month – I’m Pansexual! – My NeuroDivergent Journey with Sexual Orientation

What is AutiGender? – The Relationship Between Autism & Gender – An Autistic Perspective

According to LGBTA, Wiki, “Autigender or Autism, gender is a neurogender, which can be understood in the context of being Autistic or when one’s Autism greatly affects one’s gender or how one experiences gender.

Autigender is not autism as a gender, but rather is a gender that is so heavily influenced by autism that one’s gendered and autism cannot be on linked.

Not all Autistic people will identify with Autigender, only those whose gender is influenced by them being Autistic.” Continue reading What is AutiGender? – The Relationship Between Autism & Gender – An Autistic Perspective