the word opportunity written in white chalk on a black backgfound

Gate-Keeping is Gross (it’s also exclusionary and elitist): Self-Identified Autistic and Other NeuroDivergent Humans are Valid

I am diagnosed Autistic and ADHD, but I didn’t magically become Autistic, and ADHD when I was diagnosed, and my diagnosis is NOT what makes me Autistic and ADHD (AuDHD).
Continue reading Gate-Keeping is Gross (it’s also exclusionary and elitist): Self-Identified Autistic and Other NeuroDivergent Humans are Valid

an image showing Autism as a color wheel a color wheel of vast and varied shades (sensory & motor, emotional & cognitive, communication & social, dependency on routine & aversion to surprises).

Autistic Disclosure Toolkit: A handy guide to help when coming out of The Autism Closet

Each Autistic Person has a very unique experience of being Autistic (and no two Autistics experience Autism in the same way, thanks to how Autism colors multiple parts of our life experience).
Continue reading Autistic Disclosure Toolkit: A handy guide to help when coming out of The Autism Closet