Photo of Lyric, a fair skinned nonbinary human with short green hair in a blue cloud bathrobe and a rainbow beanine, happy stimming with their hands near their face

Autism and Stimming: Why Do Autistic People Stim?

Stimming is short for “self-stimulatory behavior” (which I don’t personally love) because people’s minds seem to go straight to the gutter if they don’t have the additional context and understanding of what it’s like to be a stimmy-sensitive human in an overwhelming world.  

Outsiders may not understand what we’re stimulating (our senses) and why that stimulation is crucial to how Autistic People regulate the energy that races through our bodies or the triggers of those energy surges (emotional and sensory experiences).

Some examples of stimming include: 

  • Movement stims: Jumping, pacing, spinning – that get energy out quickly
  • Tactile stims: touching things pleasing to the touch (such as soft fabrics and smooth surfaces).
  • Visual stims: stimming by watching objects
  • Auditory stims: stimming by listening to repetitive sounds (such as rain sticks, noises toys and other objects make, or the same song, part of a song, playlist, or album, repeatedly on a loop). 
  • Olfactory stims: stims of smelling things we like over and over again
  • Taste stims: we can stim by eating our favorite foods because of their taste or texture
  • Mental stims: stimming in the mind – invisible secret stimming. 
  • Stims that express emotion: EX: hand flapping and rocking (you can tell a LOT about how I’m feeling based on how my hands and body are moving). I have happy and nervous hand flaps and comfortable and uncomfortable body rocking.
  • Vocal stimming: Making sounds, speaking, and singing to oneself are my go-to stims that soothe and relax me the most but are the least tolerated by others.
  • Stealth stims or “socially acceptable” stims: discrete visual stims, mental stimming, hair twirling, finger strumming, tapping, pen clicking, toe and leg bouncing, keeping your hands in your pockets or hidden so people don’t see them moving
  • Destructive stims: punching, kicking, biting, ripping, or breaking things

The magic of stimming is that outsiders are not in control the stim, I am (even when my stimming gets out of control and I lose control). Because I am in “control” the resulting sensory input is not a surprise that shocks my senses, allowing me to tolerate things I could never tolerate if other people were doing the same to me (because the unpredictability would be overwhelming to me). 

Additionally, when I am stimming because of discomfort, stimming can helps to ease and distract me from unease or pain. If I am cold, bouncing up and down and rocking takes some of that coldness away, for example.

If the discomfort I need to displace is more intense (such as with extreme grief, emotional, or physical pain), my stimming may also be more intense (and can escalate to self-harm, punching, and biting things and myself). 

For example, when I slammed my hand in the door of our RV, it hurt REALLY BAD, and my instant reaction was to BITE the opposite hand in the same place, HARD (which was causing minor injury to my uninjured hand). 

Creating pain I had control over was a way to cancel out the extreme pain I had no control over (so that I could manage my discomfort at the moment in my own way). 

In those moments when pain or emotions are high, I don’t always make logical decisions. However, there is a reason behind my choices (even if they puzzle outsiders).

Unfortunately, there are a lot of misconceptions about stimming and its function (even in many Autism spaces). 

One misunderstanding people have about stimming is that they think Autistics are the ONLY humans who stim. 

While Autistic People are often known for stimming (because it’s literally in the diagnostic criteria for Autism), we are not the only people (or even animals) who stim and sensory seek. 

Everyone stims (some). Even animals stim. (Have you ever seen a captive animals pacing in the zoo?) However, Autistic People stim more, and the ways we stim are often more intense (and may even be harmful).

Photo of Lyric, a fair skinned nonbinary human with short green hair in a blue cloud bathrobe and a rainbow beanine, happy stimming with their hands near their face with a white text overlay that reads:  NEURODIVERGENTREBEL.SUBSTACK.COM Autism and Stimming: Why Do Autistic People Stim? My emotions big come with visible and feelings energy spikes that are (and often audible) in waves stimming (jumng, flapping, pacing speaking and singing to myself, and making other noises).

Stimming and fidgeting are common responses to raised energy levels (energy created by excitement, pain, anxiety, and stress). 

Many people will fidget and move from time to time, more when nervous, excited, or uncomfortable because they experience a surge of energy in their bodies when strong emotions or sensations are felt. I feel these surges of energy constantly.

Autism (and a few other forms of NeuroDivergence) can cause a person to experience an increased (or decreased) intensity of one’s emotional and sensory experiences. 

Read more of THIS post (and more) for FREE on the NeuroDivergent Rebel Substack

4 thoughts on “Autism and Stimming: Why Do Autistic People Stim?

  1. Thank you so much for sharing your experience. My son is 4 years old and non-speaking. It’s so important to me to gather information from other Autistic people so I can better understand what he may be going through. Obviously it’s different for everyone, but without blogs like this one I would be totally lost.

  2. Hello,

    I am in a webinar you’re doing tomorrow. I have combined ADHD. I have a question regarding the stimming blog. I was wondering why it isn’t included that people with ADHD also stim? Hopefully you will mention this tomorrow while conducting the webinar. Sorry I admit I am a little nervous and excited for the webinar.

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