DJ sound controller board with sliders.

Autistic Sensory Sensitive Life with Competing & Conflicting Sensory Needs

Every human being, NeuroDivergent or NeuroTypical, has a unique sensory profile. This can vary significantly from person to person, even from Autistic person to Autistic person.
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Rhythmic Stimming – Stimming with Music – My Autistic NeuroDivergent Experience

One of my main stims, since I’ve been a very, very, young Autistic Person, has been revolving around music: singing, humming, dancing, rhythmically making up lyrics to things- rhythmic stimming.

A lot, throughout my entire life, has been stimming with music, which is literally one of the main reasons I picked the name Lyric, because music is such an integral, and important, piece of my life. Continue reading Rhythmic Stimming – Stimming with Music – My Autistic NeuroDivergent Experience

Autism & NeuroDivergent Sensory Euphoria – My Autistic Perspective

A lot of time, we spend talking about sensory distress, sensory overload, and sensory troubles, because these things often are more obvious to people on the outside, or can be more of an inconvenience on our day to day lives… but there’s also a good side to these sensory differences, called sensory euphoria, and I wanna talk more about that with you today. Continue reading Autism & NeuroDivergent Sensory Euphoria – My Autistic Perspective

The Challenges of being Autistic in a NonAutistic World

Learning I’m Autistic has helped with some things, and made them easier. I am studying facial expressions and body language, to learn what some of that stuff means. I’m learning it in a very unnatural way, and I hear some people picked up on that naturally in life, which is hard for me to fathom… but I’m learning it.
I’m capable of understanding these things, it’s just like learning a foreign language to me. Some things, however, haven’t gotten any easier, because some things might be more difficult for some of us.
Continue reading The Challenges of being Autistic in a NonAutistic World

Autistic Sensory Issues – The Relationship Between Sensory Processing Differences & My Digestive Problems

Today I’m going to be talking about sensory processing, and the impact that that has on my stomach; because I don’t think a lot of people have spoken about this, and I want to know if anyone else is noticing what I am noticing.

Unfortunately, stomach problems are something that a lot of Autistic People will deal with. I know because I am an Autistic Person who has dealt with stomach issues off and on throughout my entire life.

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I’m Autistic – This is What I WISH People Understood About Sensory Processing & Sensory Overload

Well, for me, that is when some kind of sensory input light, sound, touch, smell, a sensation on my skin, et cetera, and so forth, becomes so overwhelming to me that I either shut down, meltdown, or run away from it; because I am basically sent into almost a panic or, just this need to stop, or get away from and escape something that is currently agitating me, within the environment around me.

Some of my common triggers for sensory overload would be bright, fluorescent, lighting, certain smells, certain sounds, just really get to me. Continue reading I’m Autistic – This is What I WISH People Understood About Sensory Processing & Sensory Overload

A black person with feminine presentation is in a yellow shirt with medium hair wearing headphones and singing to themselves with their arms over their head

The Miracle of Assistive Technology for Auditory Processing Problems in Public

One of my biggest struggles, as an Autistic Person with Sensory Processing Differences, is often the modern indoor sensory environment (especially places where many humans tend to gather under one roof).

Before I knew I was Autistic, I would find myself in these places, feeling extremely agitated and overwhelmed but not realizing this feeling was sensory overload, and my flight/fight response being triggered. Continue reading The Miracle of Assistive Technology for Auditory Processing Problems in Public

Autism & Auditory Processing – My Autistic Experience

Hey, internet humans, NeuroRebel here, and this week, we’re talking about auditory processing differences, sometimes referred to as auditory processing disorder and what it’s like for your brain not to process the things you’re hearing correctly. So if you’re interested at all in what this is like stay tuned. Continue reading Autism & Auditory Processing – My Autistic Experience