Unrecognized NeuroDivergence in the Workplace: Invisible Differences Hiding in Plain Sight – When NeuroDivergent People Don’t Know They’re NeuroDivergent

Many people in the workforce today are NeuroDivergent and often don’t even know it.
Continue reading Unrecognized NeuroDivergence in the Workplace: Invisible Differences Hiding in Plain Sight – When NeuroDivergent People Don’t Know They’re NeuroDivergent

This mark had been like a scarlet letter upon an otherwise exceptionable resume, creating assumptions about what I could and could not do before people even had the chance to meet me.

Openly Autistic: Why I DON’T Recommend Disclosing an Autism Diagnosis While Job Seeking (in MOST Situations)

When I was first diagnosed Autistic, starting this blog shortly after, I was all for being Openly Autistic whenever possible (for a few reasons). However, my perspective has changed since then.
Continue reading Openly Autistic: Why I DON’T Recommend Disclosing an Autism Diagnosis While Job Seeking (in MOST Situations)

a dark, black and white image of a hand holding a compass out looking for direction

How many NeuroDivergent people’s skills are lost (or never have a chance to grow) because those NeuroDivergent People are stuck in survival mode?

Because I’d been told “work wasn’t supposed to be fun,” I kept taking jobs that made me miserable, feeling as if the punishments and misery were rights of passage necessary for the money I earned.
Continue reading How many NeuroDivergent people’s skills are lost (or never have a chance to grow) because those NeuroDivergent People are stuck in survival mode?