Autism and Alcohol – My Autistic Experience with Drinking

From personal experience, I can say that I used to use alcohol because I had social anxiety, and had all of these mandatory work networking happy hours and events, where there was always free alcohol; and alcohol made the anxiety numb, and let me tolerate being in these situations that, if I was listening to my gut, and my self, and how I really felt, I would have chosen not to go to anyway. I was putting a bandaid on things.

One or two drinks, and I noticed that the sensory experience, if it is a bit overwhelming, can sometimes become a bit less intense for me, and it is easier for me to go with the flow a little bit, as my inhibitions go down, but it doesn’t take as much alcohol, as it takes other people, to get me tipsy. Continue reading Autism and Alcohol – My Autistic Experience with Drinking

Autism & Social Hangovers – My Autistic Experience with Alcohol & Social Anxiety

All right, everybody, so I wanted to share with you this week about something that I personally experienced before I found out I was autistic, and then I noticed it even more once I realized I was Autistic and that is a social hangover. Continue reading Autism & Social Hangovers – My Autistic Experience with Alcohol & Social Anxiety