Photo of Lyric in a grey blazer, black undershirt, and red pants. They have their medium-length hair down and are smiling to the side in front of a bold orange and teal sunset. On the image is the text that reads: I AM Autistic and Proud - Lyric Rivera, NeuroDivergent Rebel.

Embracing my Autistic Identity: Do you ever get the feeling you are finally becoming who you were meant to be?

I’ve been spending a lot of time reflecting on who I used to be when I did not yet know I was Autistic, as well as who I am now (that I’ve known the truth about my mind for over seven years).

Continue reading Embracing my Autistic Identity: Do you ever get the feeling you are finally becoming who you were meant to be?

Lyric, posing in a black and gold Au Sweater, in the sunset, with a puddle behind them, reflecting everything like a mirror.

From Shame to Self-Acceptance: How an Adult Autism Diagnosis Helped Me Find My True Self

At the time of my diagnosis, I was in a low place.
After twenty-nine years of working harder than most people around me to get only a fraction of the results (while at the same time being told I “wasn’t applying myself” and needed to “try harder” in life), I was demoralized.

It’s cruel to tell someone who has done their best to “try harder.” Still, it happens all the time because most people do not have even a foundational understanding of the spectrum of human strengths and weaknesses, taking it for granted, assuming we all have the same brains and experiences. Continue reading From Shame to Self-Acceptance: How an Adult Autism Diagnosis Helped Me Find My True Self

Why are there SO MANY Late Diagnosed or Discovered Autistic and NeuroDivergent People???

There are a lot of NeuroDivergent People who are discovering that they have brains that work very differently than many other people in adulthood, and late in life. This week I wanted to talk about why.

I was not labeled Autistic or ADHD, however, I was labeled stubborn, difficult, sensitive, rebellious, fussy. The list really goes on and on. I could do an entire video, just listing off horrible things I was called, because I didn’t know I was NeuroDivergent growing up. Continue reading Why are there SO MANY Late Diagnosed or Discovered Autistic and NeuroDivergent People???

Where are the Missing Generation of Autistic & NeuroDivergent Adults?

The missing generation is Autistic/NeuroDivergent adults, typically growing up in the 1980s or earlier, who were not discovered to be NeuroDivergent as children (because of diagnostic limitations of the time).

Autism was not even in the DSM until 1980. So prior to 1980, Autistic People weren’t even listed in the diagnostic manual. That generation, and generations prior grew up when understanding was very limited, leaving generations of Autistic People undiscovered, or missed. Continue reading Where are the Missing Generation of Autistic & NeuroDivergent Adults?

Late Autistic Discovery – What Happened During My Autism Assessment?

Lyric here, and today, I want to talk about what happens during an autism assessment, and I’m just going to be sharing what happened during my autism assessment, because obviously I’ve only been through one of those. If you would like to know what that was like, please do stay tuned.
Continue reading Late Autistic Discovery – What Happened During My Autism Assessment?

You Asked: What Was it Like Growing up Not Knowing You Were Autistic?

Hey everyone. NeuroRebel here. This week is a listener requested topic.

You ask, “What was it like growing up undiscovered, undiagnosed, not knowing that you are Autistic or Neurodivergent?”

Not knowing that I was Autistic, had a very big impact on my life and my experience growing up. I was very aware that I was different, but I didn’t have the vocabulary or an explanation for why or what made me different.

This week, I’m going to share my experience. If you’d like to know a little bit more, please stay tuned. Continue reading You Asked: What Was it Like Growing up Not Knowing You Were Autistic?