Dear Ms. Stagner, We have decided that we wish to defer testing [DEAD-NAME] for learning disabilities at this time. We wish to pursue other options just now. We are considering private testing and tutoring as we research [their] possible problems. Thank you for calling this to our attention. We will get back to you soon.

From Shame to Relief: How Getting Diagnosed Autistic at 29 Changed My Life Forever

A Journey of self-discovery and acceptance. How a late Autism diagnosis transformed my understanding of myself (and everyone around me).
Continue reading From Shame to Relief: How Getting Diagnosed Autistic at 29 Changed My Life Forever

You Asked: What Was it Like Growing up Not Knowing You Were Autistic?

Hey everyone. NeuroRebel here. This week is a listener requested topic.

You ask, “What was it like growing up undiscovered, undiagnosed, not knowing that you are Autistic or Neurodivergent?”

Not knowing that I was Autistic, had a very big impact on my life and my experience growing up. I was very aware that I was different, but I didn’t have the vocabulary or an explanation for why or what made me different.

This week, I’m going to share my experience. If you’d like to know a little bit more, please stay tuned. Continue reading You Asked: What Was it Like Growing up Not Knowing You Were Autistic?