Autism & Sensory Seeking – Why do Autistic People Sensory Seek?

As we dive in and talk about sensory seeking it’s first important to point out that this is going to be around all of the senses. So we’ve got the sense of touch, the sense of sound, hearing, sight, smell, taste, feeling your body in motion in space, and your sense of balance. These are all senses that are affected by sensory processing. Continue reading Autism & Sensory Seeking – Why do Autistic People Sensory Seek?

A black person with feminine presentation is in a yellow shirt with medium hair wearing headphones and singing to themselves with their arms over their head

The Miracle of Assistive Technology for Auditory Processing Problems in Public

One of my biggest struggles, as an Autistic Person with Sensory Processing Differences, is often the modern indoor sensory environment (especially places where many humans tend to gather under one roof).

Before I knew I was Autistic, I would find myself in these places, feeling extremely agitated and overwhelmed but not realizing this feeling was sensory overload, and my flight/fight response being triggered. Continue reading The Miracle of Assistive Technology for Auditory Processing Problems in Public

Autism & Auditory Processing – My Autistic Experience

Hey, internet humans, NeuroRebel here, and this week, we’re talking about auditory processing differences, sometimes referred to as auditory processing disorder and what it’s like for your brain not to process the things you’re hearing correctly. So if you’re interested at all in what this is like stay tuned. Continue reading Autism & Auditory Processing – My Autistic Experience

Autism & Food Issues – Autistic Sensory Related Food Aversion

Anyone ever said to you, “don’t worry. If they’re hungry, they will eat”? This week, we’re going to talk about why that is not necessarily true with autistic and neurodivergent kids, especially if they have sensory issues, like many of us do. Continue reading Autism & Food Issues – Autistic Sensory Related Food Aversion

The Autistic Sensory Spectrum – Featuring Stimming: The great, the good, and the ugly

The Autistic Sensory Spectrum – Live at Honestly Autism Day 2019 – talking about Stimmig, Sensory Processing, Regulation, and Harmful Stims   Transcription Christa Holmans: Um, so, I’m, thank you so much for being here today. Uh, my name is Christa Holmans, … Continue reading The Autistic Sensory Spectrum – Featuring Stimming: The great, the good, and the ugly