Lyric working on an iPad, hair a mess, eating a red popsicle.

Burned Out – The Hidden Toll: A Cautionary Tale of Autistic Exhaustion, Autism, and Burn Out

Exploring the hidden toll of exhaustion, societal expectations, and the transformative power of self-acceptance for Autistic People
Continue reading Burned Out – The Hidden Toll: A Cautionary Tale of Autistic Exhaustion, Autism, and Burn Out

What is NeuroDiversity: Why it Matters to Autistic People in Autistic Acceptance Month & All Year Long

NeuroDiversity: Refers to the idea that there is a natural and broad spectrum of experiences and expressions that occur within the human brain and nervous system (including differences in cognitive, sensory, and emotional experiences), that can vary significantly from person to person. Continue reading What is NeuroDiversity: Why it Matters to Autistic People in Autistic Acceptance Month & All Year Long

Photo of Lyric in a grey blazer, black undershirt, and red pants. They have their medium-length hair down and are smiling to the side in front of a bold orange and teal sunset. On the image is the text that reads: I AM Autistic and Proud - Lyric Rivera, NeuroDivergent Rebel.

Embracing my Autistic Identity: Do you ever get the feeling you are finally becoming who you were meant to be?

I’ve been spending a lot of time reflecting on who I used to be when I did not yet know I was Autistic, as well as who I am now (that I’ve known the truth about my mind for over seven years).

Continue reading Embracing my Autistic Identity: Do you ever get the feeling you are finally becoming who you were meant to be?

An image with glitter gold corners has the words Autistic Acceptance We are golden, April is Autistic Month, in Gold and Red Text, surrounding a gold infinity. On the Right side, it says Lyric Rivera - NeuroDivergent Rebel in Red.

Unaware of Our Reality: The Failure of Autism Awareness and the Need for Change

It’s April.

April is “Autism Month” (also known as Awareness Month, Acceptance Month, or Appreciation Month, depending on who you ask).

As an Autistic Person who belongs to multiple communities that are seen as lesser by the social hierarchies our society enforces, I’m tired of awareness days and months.  Continue reading Unaware of Our Reality: The Failure of Autism Awareness and the Need for Change