Neurodivergent Rebel Honestly Autism Q&A – Q&A from Honestly Autism Day Morning Session

I had the extreme pleasure of being invited to speak at the 10th annual Honestly Autism Day on April 6, 2019. The conference was amazing. I encourage you to check it out if you are ever in the area. Here … Continue reading Neurodivergent Rebel Honestly Autism Q&A – Q&A from Honestly Autism Day Morning Session

Cheap Sunglasses Stopped My Migraines

I’m not saying this will work for everybody but cheap tinted glasses from have changed my life. Doctor’s couldn’t help me but my amber glasses stop my chronic headaches/migraines caused by bad lighting/light sensitivity.

My glasses are amber, but some people like blue, pink, or green. Some may need darker glasses and others may only need a slight tinting. Please be aware you may go through SEVERAL pair of glasses before you find the ones that work for you – IF this works for you. It may not work for everybody.  Continue reading Cheap Sunglasses Stopped My Migraines

NeuroRebel – Float Away Mind – Fiction Based on Reality

Twenty perfect piano notes dance, tickle the car speakers as Mad World by Gary Jules takes over the car.

Once again Kat’s mind had floated away.  Gone someplace else, lost in a music video created by her mind. “Teacher tell me what’s my lesson? Looked right through me. . . . looked right through me.” Continue reading NeuroRebel – Float Away Mind – Fiction Based on Reality