Let’s Talk About Internet Bullies

In last week’s video I spoke about my experience with bullies. Some viewers commented experiences with on online bullies, inspiring this video talking about internet bullying and not taking things personally.


17 thoughts on “Let’s Talk About Internet Bullies

  1. I think it was Shakespeare, “The lady doth protest too much, methinks” Hamlet. If someone watches your video and reacts strongly negative maybe it’s because it hit a sore spot THEY need to look at?

  2. If someone bullies me, I block them. Who has not experienced bullying online? so many miserable people out there. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I’ve never been bullied online – thankfully – and don’t really know how I would react. One of our daughters was bullied by idiot kids on WhatsApp a few months back, and we calmly showed her how to bring the world down on the kids head that did it…

  4. Awesome message! This should be shown in every school, grade school to college. As adults we know how to better filter out negativity, hopefully, but kiddos don’t always have those skills yet. Thank you for sharing your positivity!

  5. I haven’t had much trouble with this. The worst was people I thought were friends, that turned out to be pretty cruel. While the sting of betrayal hurts just as much, being able to block or delete makes a world of difference. 🙂

  6. That is familiar to me. When i talked public about bully who called me on video call in one group, some people protected him. Guy had two faces, one for supporters, other for those who don’t want to chat with him. Worse than bullies are people who watch their back.

  7. I’ve never been bullied online – thankfully – and put on’t really have it off how I would respond. While the sting of betrayal hurts just as much, being able to stop or delete makes a macrocosm of difference.

  8. Taking things personally is part of being a person. Otherwise, how are we being asked to take them — robotically?

    1. But sometimes someone having a bad day and lashing out at you is about the person having the bad day, not the person being lashed out at. . . . so realizing the other person was wrong to lash out, and it doesn’t reflect back on you for being lashed out at. . . .

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