Baby Lyric is obsessed with the buttons on the phone. They want to know HOW the phone works because it seems magical.

Autism and “Social Difficulties” – How Sensory and Motor Control Differences Can Make Socializing Difficult for Me as an Autistic Person

Sensory obstacles are one of the biggest hindrances to my ability to communicate and socialize with others. There are a few reasons for this.

One way sensory things create an obstacle for me is that most social events are sensory nightmares by design.

Put a bunch of people in one indoor space, and it is almost always going to be more than my brain can handle (or if I survive it, I will then be exhausted and hung over – without touching alcohol).

If I turn down an invitation, people often take it personally, thinking I don’t want to spend time with them. Continue reading Autism and “Social Difficulties” – How Sensory and Motor Control Differences Can Make Socializing Difficult for Me as an Autistic Person

A black person with feminine presentation is in a yellow shirt with medium hair wearing headphones and singing to themselves with their arms over their head

The Miracle of Assistive Technology for Auditory Processing Problems in Public

One of my biggest struggles, as an Autistic Person with Sensory Processing Differences, is often the modern indoor sensory environment (especially places where many humans tend to gather under one roof).

Before I knew I was Autistic, I would find myself in these places, feeling extremely agitated and overwhelmed but not realizing this feeling was sensory overload, and my flight/fight response being triggered. Continue reading The Miracle of Assistive Technology for Auditory Processing Problems in Public

The Autistic Sensory Spectrum – Featuring Stimming: The great, the good, and the ugly

The Autistic Sensory Spectrum – Live at Honestly Autism Day 2019 – talking about Stimmig, Sensory Processing, Regulation, and Harmful Stims   Transcription Christa Holmans: Um, so, I’m, thank you so much for being here today. Uh, my name is Christa Holmans, … Continue reading The Autistic Sensory Spectrum – Featuring Stimming: The great, the good, and the ugly

Cheap Sunglasses Stopped My Migraines

I’m not saying this will work for everybody but cheap tinted glasses from have changed my life. Doctor’s couldn’t help me but my amber glasses stop my chronic headaches/migraines caused by bad lighting/light sensitivity.

My glasses are amber, but some people like blue, pink, or green. Some may need darker glasses and others may only need a slight tinting. Please be aware you may go through SEVERAL pair of glasses before you find the ones that work for you – IF this works for you. It may not work for everybody.  Continue reading Cheap Sunglasses Stopped My Migraines