A dark purple square with a rainbow ribbon in the right corner, there are also small hearts, circles, clouds, and plus signs floating around the image

Coming Out Autistic and ADHD: Is Coming out NeuroDivergent Like Coming Out of the Closet?

Coming out nonbinary has been like coming out NeuroDivergent in many ways. Many people don’t believe nonbinary people exist. Some people (too many) also don’t believe Autism or ADHD exist either.
Continue reading Coming Out Autistic and ADHD: Is Coming out NeuroDivergent Like Coming Out of the Closet?

Shame Kills – Autism, NeuroDivergence, Pride, & Shame

Shame is defined as a painful emotion caused by consciousness of guilt, shortcoming, or perceived impropriety. That is one definition talking about how shame is experienced from the inside.

However, I want to talk more about having shame that is put on you from society and people around you; shame that is unjustified, that many NeuroDivergent, LGBTQIA, and other marginalized people may feel, and the impact that shame has on those of us who are in those groups.
Continue reading Shame Kills – Autism, NeuroDivergence, Pride, & Shame

Image description: The Intersections on The Spectrum podcast logo is a rainbow gradient word cloud in the shape of a person with outstretched arms. An image of Lyric looking up and towards the distance. Lyric is a white passing person of mixed heritage with brown eyes and arched eyebrows. They have a tuft of emerald green hair poking out from under a black hat.

Intersections on the Spectrum: Lyric Holmans

Recently, I had the pleasure of being interviewed for the Podcast Intersections on the Spectrum. In episode of Intersections on the Spectrum we discuss my identities, lobbying against ABA, open relationships, and living in an RV. Continue reading Intersections on the Spectrum: Lyric Holmans

June 18th is Autistic Pride DAY! What is Autistic Pride Day and Why We Need Pride for Autistic People

June 18th is Autistic Pride Day, within Queer Pride Month.

These are independent events. This is not a pride only for Queer Autistic People -just for the record, because that question has been asked of me before.

What is Autistic Pride Day and why is this a thing?

Well, if you would like to know more, please do stay tuned. Continue reading June 18th is Autistic Pride DAY! What is Autistic Pride Day and Why We Need Pride for Autistic People

NeuroDivergent Rebel, a slim framed nonbinary human, in a purple graphic background stands in front of a pair of wings - with the text NeuroDivergent Rebel to the left of them

Who is the NeuroDivergent Rebel and WHY do they Write?

I am a person with many labels and identities, including a few I’ve taken on my own, changing my name (Lyric) and starting a blog (NeuroDivergent Rebel). My labels have given me power and a sense of pride, identity, and belonging I never had before. Continue reading Who is the NeuroDivergent Rebel and WHY do they Write?